- CSV Properly Ranting About CSV Files
- Hyphen-Dash-Minus Describing Command Line Syntax to a Novice: Dash, Hyphen, Minus
- Eddy Current Correction in FSL DTI processing: Eddy Current CorrectionI’m working on my first Diffusion Tensor Imaging project at work. There’s newgotcha’s I’ve encountered and I thought I should do a small write up about onethat irked me today.
- Wounded Words Persons and PeopleFunny how I’ve read or heard the phrase, “Missing Persons”, and never thoughtcritically, why it isn’t, “Missing People”, which is totally sane.
- Moving an Anaconda Installation My home directory was approaching the disk quota and my source wasn’t being seen by the Grid reliably….it was time to move to the code base and that included my anaconda installation.
- Patching Library Paths in Compiled Binaries I was given a compiled library from a collaborator who isn’t keen on handing outsource code. The programs worked in a Docker container but that wasn’t going towork for my lab’s distributed computing model.
- Organizing Data in Scientific Programming Programming in a research laboratoryI started my scientific work experience in a lab that studies brain diseasesusing MRI and other modalities. I then spent sometime in industry learningto work at a faster pace and with newer technology.
- Outline Tool for VIM Since I started a new job, I’ve needed to outline some processes. Since Ioften work in a Linux environment, I might not feel like switching to myWindows machine. Plus I just really like VIM.
- VI Mode I started using VIM as my editor for programming and general use. That alsomeant switching my command line environment shortcuts to VI rather than Emacs.
- Brush with Windows 10 I had a chance to try out Windows 10 recently on a brand new Dell laptop thathad hardly been used. To be brief, I wasn’t impressed.